On October 18th  we were delighted to welcome a delegation from Norway’s Crime Prevention Form, Kriminalitetsforebyggende, to our offices on James Joyce Street. The forum is a national voluntary organization that consists of professionals who work with crime prevention in the Norwegian police force, within the municipal sector and other bodies who work directly in […]

Every year, the 3rd week of November marks international Restorative Justice Week, this year from November 17th to November 23rd! Restorative Justice is a practice that aims to support victims and offenders of crime by offering them the opportunity to have a mediated meeting, where a trained mediator facilitates a discussion between the victim and […]

With Ireland’s next General Election now announced for November 29th, there’s only 3 weeks left to make sure you’re registered to vote! You can check your voting details on checktheregister.ie by just clicking “Check your details”, selecting your local authority and entering your name and Eircode, and it will tell you where your polling station […]

Get in touch!

Ph: 01-222 6551

Email: communitysafety@dublincity.ie

Office location:

Unit 3,
James Joyce Street,
Dublin 1.