On October 18th  we were delighted to welcome a delegation from Norway’s Crime Prevention Form, Kriminalitetsforebyggende, to our offices on James Joyce Street. The forum is a national voluntary organization that consists of professionals who work with crime prevention in the Norwegian police force, within the municipal sector and other bodies who work directly in […]

Every year, the 3rd week of November marks international Restorative Justice Week, this year from November 17th to November 23rd! Restorative Justice is a practice that aims to support victims and offenders of crime by offering them the opportunity to have a mediated meeting, where a trained mediator facilitates a discussion between the victim and […]

We’d love to invite you all to read our Autumn Newsletter! In it you’ll find a description some of the work the LCSP Support Office and our Partners in the LCSP have done over the last few months across our five sub-groups – Drugs, Inclusion Health, & Anti-Social Behaviour; Family, Youth, Older Persons & Community; […]

We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to work with local artist Fionnuala Halpin to help make the North Inner City a little bit more beautiful! Fionnuala has been working with residents to design a mural for the wall between Summerhill and Seán O’Casey, with a few of the local kids helping out with the […]

The NIC Local Community Safety Partnership are delighted to support the growing networks between youth services and Community Gardaí in the North Inner City area. Every month, Community Gardaí and youth workers in the NIC meet up for a social coffee morning in Crosscare’s Community Café on Portland Row, as an extension of the work […]

We’ve launched our first Newsletter for the Summer 2024 period! In it you’ll find a description some of the work the LCSP Support Office and our Partners in the LCSP have done over the last few months across our five sub-groups – Drugs, Inclusion Health, & Anti-Social Behaviour; Family, Youth, Older Persons & Community; Education […]

Throughout Spring of 2024, Chair of the Local Community Safety Partnership Eddie Mullins has been hosting Fireside Talks in secondary schools across the North Inner City community. So far, we have held these with Larkin Community College, O’Connell Secondary School, and the Brunner (St. Paul’s CBS). Eddie has shared about his own background, his career […]

Our DRIVE Project Lead Jack Sheeran and Inspector Kenneth Hoare facilitated an information session in Ozanam House on drug related intimidation. Inspector Kenneth Hoare discussed the Drug related Intimidation Reporting Programme, a means for victims of DRI to speak confidentially with Inspectors in An Garda Síochána for advice on safety when experiencing drug related intimidation. […]

Get in touch!

Ph: 01-222 6551

Email: communitysafety@dublincity.ie

Office location:

Unit 3,
James Joyce Street,
Dublin 1.