Don’t forget to Check the Register!
With Ireland’s next General Election now announced for November 29th, there’s only 3 weeks left to make sure you’re registered to vote! You can check your voting details on by just clicking “Check your details”, selecting your local authority and entering your name and Eircode, and it will tell you where your polling station […]
New Recovery Group for Women in the NWIC
Our partners in the NIC Drug & Alcohol Task Force have informed us there is a new women’s recovery group setting up in the North West Inner City. The Connections Group is a new recovery group specifically for women, and will be running from 5-7pm every Wednesday from November 6th, and even has some creche […]
History Events
The LCSP are delighted to have supported a number of history events across the North Inner City over the last few months. Things kicked off as part of our monthly Wolfe Tone Square social events, supported by The Church and the Tram Café. DCC’s Historian-In-Residence Elizabeth Kehoe joined us and local residents from around Wolfe […]
DCIF marks the UN Day of Peace with Conference on Building Peaceful and Resilient Communities in Our Cities
On September 24th, we were delighted to attend an event organized by our partners in the Dublin City Interfaith Forum (DCIF), who marked this year’s UN Day of Peace by organizing a series of events that brought together peers and friends from Belfast, Birmingham, Edinburgh, and across Ireland. The program included a one-day conference hosted […]
HSE North Dublin Cocaine Support Programme
We were delighted to attend the Webinar launch of the HSE’s new Cocaine Support Programme yesterday, in partnership with community addiction services across the Dublin area. The HSE and partner organisations in the CHO 9 area have out together 5 short videos on cocaine use, including its negative consequences, triggers, harm reduction tips, and services […]
Health Research Board Interactive Service Map
The Health Research Board have launched an interactive map of publically funded addiction and family support services across Ireland, which you can find here. This interactive map will allow people to easily find the support they need in their local areas, and can zoom in to their neighbourhood to see what supports are available. The […]